you are to me

I sing for you for you to hear my song
Me making love to you for the many days as the days are long
I long for you for the lifetimes that we are perpetually torn apart
The seconds the days the millennia of heartbreaks from this bleeding heart
I embrace you for all you are to me
A gift a moment a glimps of what my life should be
A blooming of a flower
A pollinator like the bee
A Butterfly gracing the palm of my hand
That is how you are to me
I love you with the breath I take
I love you in all I see
I love you in the hail of storms
I love you as you loved me



Wayne Anthony Ramsay

Spiritual Poetry, Healing Poetry, Writer, A Curious Fool…Jamaican…Indian…British, a child of the old empire…feeling too much, seeking salvation